
All of our courses are based on latest scientific researches into therapy and wellbeing.


We believe in human potential and believe it is our prime responsibility to unleash it into the world.


We believe you are more than just your thoughts. Your emotions, physiology and spirituality needs to be addressed too in order for a holistic healing experience.

Healing At Its Best


Pakistan Institute of Mind Sciences is the brain child of Dr. Ibrahim Siawash. PIMs was established to provide a safe space for alternative healing methodologies and all mind science technologies used for healing purposes like yoga, hypnotherapy, breathwork, mindfulness, NLP, etc. Although typical therapy, as conducted today like CBT has its space for healing, no healing methodology should be considered as the ultimate therapy. PIMS takes a holistic, humanistic and progressive approach to healing. We believe that healing can only occur when the individual aligns themselves with their higher purpose in life. i.e. mood disorders like depression are in fact problems of awareness. Awareness of our thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensation. Once an individual becomes aware of their ultimate purpose, they will be able to regulate their emotions on their own. We believe therapy has to be terminated as quickly as possible and individuals who show resistance to therapy need to become aware of their resistance.

“I believe in fast, deep and lasting transformation. If its not there, first there needs to be awareness of resistance. And this awareness on its own is progress” – Dr.Ibrahim Siawash


Pakistan Institute of Mind Sciences is a brain child of Dr. Ibrahim Siawash. PIMs was established to provide a safe space for alternative healing methodologies and all mind science technologies used for healing purposes like yoga, hypnotherapy, breathwork, mindfulness, NLP, etc. Although typical therapy, as conducted today like CBT has its space for healing, no healing methodology should be considered as the ultimate therapy. PIMS takes a holistic, humanistic and progressive approach to healing.We believe that healing can only occur when the individual aligns themselves with their higher purpose in life. i.e. mood disorders like depression are in fact problems of awareness. Awareness of our thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensation. Once an individual becomes aware of their ultimate purpose, they will be able to regulate their emotions on their own. We believe therapy has to be terminated as quickly as possible and individuals who show resistance to therapy need to become aware of their resistance.

“I believe in fast, deep and lasting transformation. If its not there, first there needs to be awareness of resistance. And this awareness on its own is progress” –

Dr. Ibrahim Siawash

Professional Hypnotherapy Certification
( Starting from 1st May 2020 )

PIMS Wellness Clinic

We take non judgement and unconditional acceptance super seriously in our clinic. The client is asked to let go of all their judgements at the door before entering a safe space where they can BE and BECOME anyone they choose to be. We aim to provide the highest level of care and empathy, using cutting edge, modern technologies in therapy to bring about a state of transformation for our clients.


Hypnotherapy Certification

Hypnotherapy is a systematic methodology to utilize the state of Hypnosis otherwise known as trance for therapy purposes. In essence by the end of the course you will be able to improve your mood, break through limiting beliefs and learn to deal with psychological problems…. 

NLP Coaching

This is a Practitioner level Neurolinguistic Programming Coaching training. In order to provide the learning experience for Neuro linguistic practitioner course, we have created an online 3 months (100 hours) long course. We have been able to successfully combine…. 

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Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Certification

An effective individual in todays fast paced, mechanical world is the one who has mastered their emotions through building emotional intelligence and also mastered their thoughts and beliefs through radical acceptance and detachment. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy framework helps you (the practitioner) and your clients master….


186 reviews on
CuriousTalkwith DrFarri
CuriousTalkwith DrFarri
1. September, 2021.
This course(Hypnotherapy) has been very informative and helpful ... Not only learnt about hypnosis ....but also;about the challenges i was facing myself.... He is such an amazing teacher.... Very disciplined ! These three months of learning waa Full of knowledge and activities !!!! Thank you Sir !
Aroob Amjad
Aroob Amjad
28. August, 2021.
I have been seeing Dr. Siawash for a few months now and every session helps me become a better person. I would strongly recommend him. Going to therapy does not mean that you are weak or cant handle yourself, you sometimes need someone to help you get out of a dark place. Dr. Siawash is certainly a therapist who is prepared to cater every patient according to their needs.
Qarrar Shah
Qarrar Shah
28. August, 2021.
Best teaching methodologies in Psychology and amazing Psychotherapy techniques by Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Siawash Director (PIMS)
Huda imran
Huda imran
28. August, 2021.
Contacted him to get reassurance about a certain topic and he was extremely sweet and welcoming to help me with it. People like him make the world better!
Rizwana Kousar
Rizwana Kousar
28. August, 2021.
Dr Ibrahim is a mentor or best trainer of hypnotherapy.His style of delivering lecture is very impressive .His knowledge is remarkable .Highly recommended for clinical psychologists and psychologists who want to add value in their life or enhance professional skills .
Rida Shahid Rana
Rida Shahid Rana
28. August, 2021.
Such a great experience with PIMS. I learned a lot here. Sir Ibrahim is very friendly. He taught us like friends, listened our side and explained very well, no matter how many times we ask questions or discuss.